
小规模在线演化组合电路的ESD主动防护特性 被引量:3

The characteristics of online evolvable miniature combinational circuits' active protection from ESD interference
摘要 利用电磁环境效应实验与行为级失效建模方法,研究了在线演化组合逻辑电路的静电放电(ESD)主动防护特性。首先,基于内进化虚拟重配置技术和笛卡儿遗传编码思想,提出了一种门级在线可重构组合电路系统模型,结合非支配多目标演化算法和演化策略实现了组合电路的多目标演化设计方法。进而,参照国际电工委员会静电放电抗扰度测试标准分析了电路单元的受扰规律并建立了行为级失效模型。最后,选择2位乘法器、2位加法器及北卡罗莱纳微电子中心(MCNC)基准库中的小规模组合逻辑电路为对象,在多种ESD干扰环境下实验证明了演化电路具有高可靠和强容错的主动防护特性。 The characteristics of the active protection from electrostatic discharge (ESD) interference of evolvable combinational circuits were investigated by using the experiments on electromagnetic environment effect and the behavioral modeling of functional disturbance. Firstly, a gate-level online reconfigurable combinational circuit model was proposed based upon virtual reconfigurable circuits and Cartesian genetic programming, and a novel multi-objective evolution algorithm for digital circuit designing was implemented. This algorithm was a modification of the non-dom- ination sorting genetic algorithm and evolution strategy. Secondly, the ESD immunity tests were carried out on the reconfigurable gate according to the standard of IEC 61000-4-2. Based on the results, functional disturbance mod- els were also presented. Finally, the 2-bit multiplier, 2-bit adder and some miniature benchmark circuits from the benchmark library of Microeleetronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) were selected as the objects for evaluation. The experimental results show the evolvable circuits' characteristic of high reliability and strong fault-tolerance in active protection from a variety of ESD interference.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1077-1082,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 国家自然科学基金(61172035)资助项目.
关键词 电磁防护仿生 静电放电(ESD) 组合逻辑 演化电路 主动防护 electromagnetic protection bionics, electrostatic discharge (ESD), combinational logic, evolvable circuits, active protection
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