通过灭菌土培试验研究分别接种0,12.5,25,37.5,50,62.5ml/盆活菌浓度为1×109 cfu/ml的胶质芽孢杆菌,对印度芥菜修复Cd污染土壤的作用效果。结果表明,接入胶质芽孢杆菌菌液25ml/盆时,植物地上、地下部分对Cd的提取量分别为其他接种量的1.10~1.48倍,1.32~1.77倍。以不种印度芥菜作为对照,种印度芥菜处理的土壤Cd随着时间的变化去除效果有所不同,接菌后14d左右土壤Cd含量最低,收获时土壤Cd去除率可达到20%,显著提高其植物修复效果。同时,不同浓度的胶质芽孢杆菌均可以促进富集植物的生长,印度芥菜地上、地下部分生物量分别提高3%~16%,4%~61%。综上,胶质芽孢杆菌不但可以提高污染土壤中Cd的生物有效性,而且可明显促进超富集植物生长。
The study was conducted to investigate the effects of different concentrations(0,12.5,25,37.5,50,62.5 ml/pot)of Bacillus mucilaginosus inoculation on bioavailability of Cd in soil when Brassica juncea as a hyperaccumulator growing using sterilized soil culture experiment,aiming at improving phytoremediation of contamination.The results indicated that Bacillus mucilaginosus of concentration 2(pot by adding 25 ml of the bacteria) could be achieved better enrichment absorption,phytoexrtraction amount of aerial parts and underground parts of Cd were respectively increased to 110%~148%,132%~177%.And concentration of 2 activation of Cd in the soil effect was more significant,the soil Cd content met the minimum after 14 days,the concentration of Cd decreased by 20% contrast to without plant at harvest.Meanwhile,Brassica juncea of aerial parts and underground parts were respectively increased by 3%~16%,4%~61% under various concentrations.In the sum,Bacillus mucilaginosus could not only increase the hyperaccumulator biomass,but effectively improve the bioavailability of Cd in the contaminated soil.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation