
FDI嵌入型集群中员工流动、组织文化差异与知识转移绩效——基于内外资企业间知识转移的研究视角 被引量:6

Staff Turnover,Organizational Culture Differences and Knowledge Transfer Performance in FDI-embedded Clusters:The Perspective of Knowledge Transfer between Foreign and Domestic Enterprises
摘要 FDI嵌入型产业集群中,内外资企业拥有共同的劳动力市场,员工流动越来越频繁,通过员工流动途径获取FDI知识已经成为内资企业实现技术创新的重要途径。系统研究了FDI嵌入型产业集群中内外资企业间员工流动和组织文化差异对知识转移绩效的影响,实证研究结果发现:对外企员工流入的内资企业来说,FDI嵌入集群情境、员工流动对知识转移产生积极的促进作用,并且共同对知识转移产生正向的交互影响;员工流入的规模越大,知识转移绩效越好;内外资企业间的组织文化差异对知识转移有显著的负向影响,而且组织文化差异削弱了员工流动对知识转移的正效应。 In the FDI-embedded clusters, foreign and domestic enterprises share a common labor market, staff mo- bility is becoming more and more frequently between the foreign and domestic enterprises, and knowledge acquisi- tion by means of staff turnover has become an important option to achieve innovation for domestic enterprises This paper systematically studied how the staff turnover and organizational culture differences affect knowledge transfer performances, empirical research found that: FDI-embedded cluster situation, staff mobility between foreign and domestic enterprises have a positive impact and co-produced a positive interaction on knowledge transfer per- formances; the inflow scale of foreign employees is larger, knowledge transfer performances are better; organiza- tional cultural differences between the domestic and foreign-funded enterprises' have a significant negative impact on knowledge transfer performances, and organizational cultural differences undermined the positive effect on knowledge transfer by staff turnover.
作者 于海云
机构地区 江南大学商学院
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期88-95,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71073107/G0304 70773079)
关键词 FDI嵌入型集群 员工流动 组织文化差异 知识转移绩效 FDI-embedded clusters staff turnover organizational cultural differences knowledge transfer perfor- mance
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