
新建本科院校科层制的生命力、局限及出路 被引量:6

The Vitality,Limitation and Suggestion of Faculty and Stratum System in the Newly Established Universities
摘要 内部管理改革与创新是新建本科院校实现跨越式发展的保障。与传统高校相比,新建本科院校尽管也是特殊类型的社会组织,但不同的是,其在知识产出层次和类别、制度化成长环境、深度融合和频繁人才流动以及规模扩张引起的管理复杂化等方面独具特性,所有这些使得科层制在新建本科院校的管理中具有强大生命力。然而,作为学术组织,其目标模糊、活动不可预测、文化多元化、内部治理多中心化、学术权威来源特殊等又导致科层制管理的失灵。因此,需要在遵循学校内部逻辑的基础上对传统科层制进行改造。 The reform and innovation of inner management is the guarantee of leaping development of new universities.Compared with traditional universities, newly established ones have special management with strong vitality due to output level and types, institutional environment, further integration, frequent talent flow and expansion. However, vague objectives, unpre- dictability of activities, cultural diversity, multi-centered inner management, special source of academic authority lead to the failure of faculty and stratum system. Therefore, the reform of traditional faculty and stratum system should be improved on the basis of current inner operation of universities.
作者 姚加惠
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第21期30-36,共7页 Research in Educational Development
关键词 新建本科院校 科层制 生命力 局限 new established universities, faculty and stratum system, vitality, limitation, suggestion
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