
社交网站用户持续使用行为研究——基于信息获取和人际交互的视角 被引量:17

Studies on User Continuous Use Behavior of Social Networking Sites
摘要 以用户信念为基础,期望确认模型为框架,将社交网站看作是一个信息获取工具或人际交互工具,分别构建了其用户持续使用行为模型,并采用问卷调查和结构方程建模的方法,以新浪微博用户为调查对象进行了实证研究,以期能促进对社交网站用户持续使用行为的理解,以及能为社交网站服务商提供参考和建议。 Taking user belief as the basis and the expectation confirmation model as the framework,this paper regards the Social Networking Sites(SNS)as an information acquisition tool or an interpersonal interaction tool to construct their user continuous use behavior model respectively.Besides,by the use of the questionnaire and the structural equation modeling,the paper takes the Sina micro-blog users as the object of investigation to make an empirical study so as to promote the understanding of the SNS users' continuous use behavior and provide references and suggestions for SNS service providers.
作者 刘莉
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期17-22,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
关键词 社交网站 用户 应用行为 实证研究 social networking sites user application behavior empirical study
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