
基于地域功能的土地利用协调研究——以长株潭生态绿心暮云镇为例 被引量:10

Analysis of Land Utilization Coordination Based on Territorial Function——A Case Study of Muyun Town of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Ecological Green Heart
摘要 论文以长株潭生态绿心暮云镇为例,基于地域功能及其格局视角,采用整体协调性(C1)和有效协调性(C2)等指标,分析土地利用现状态势与地域功能规划的数量协调性、空间协调性、主要协调问题及效应。研究结果表明:暮云镇生态空间C1为54%,C2为69.81%,存在较大缺口,应新增面积高达802.95 hm2,绿心建设任重道远,需重点加强东北部—东部山林生态和北部绿带建设;农业空间C1为38.08%,C2为91.28%,转换潜力较大,但应加强区内土地整理和村庄整治,提升生产效能和生态服务功能;建设空间C1为36.11%,C2为82.94%,增长速度过快,威胁生态绿心功能定位及格局形成,扩展速度与空间布局亟需优化调整。研究区应实行功能空间三重保障、统筹城乡人口与用地、建设适度复合功能空间及构建区域协调长效机制,促进土地利用与地域功能协调发展。 This paper analyzes quantitatively the land-use type shifts according to the differences comparison of history, present status and the planning with the data from field survey and the administrative authority, and argues the issue that the regional development trend is incompatible to the territorial function, which could contribute to the understanding of scientific issue to harmonize land use and serve the decisionmaking for future development. The paper analyzes numeric coordination, spatial coordination, main coordination problem and effect between current land use (2010) and function planning, using the overall coordination (C1 ) and effective coordination (C2 ) and other indicators, based on the territorial function and pattern perspective, taking Muyun Town of Changsha- Zhuzhou- Xiangtan (Chang- Zhu- Tan) , combination as an example. It reveals the coordination characteristic and problem of the three types of the function space including ecological space, agricultural space and construction space, and then proposes the coordination policy. The results show that: land for construction grew rapidly in the recent years, while the agricultural land, forest land and countryside land declined dramatically. There were 426. 67 h㎡ of cultivated land and 359. 24 h㎡ of forest land decreasing, with the proportion declining by 6. 58% and 5.53% respectively, and the growth weight heart of the town moved eastward rapidly and became a new development corridor rapidly as well. The index C1 of ecologicalspace is 54% and the Ca is 69. 81%, with a huge ecological space gap, so a larye area of 802.95 h㎡ should be added to Muyun Town, the green heart construction should take more and heavier responsibilities and must focus on strengthening the northeast forest ecology and north greenbelt. The index C1 of agricultural space is 38.08% and the C2 is 91.28% , and the space conversion potential is greater, but villages land consolidation and renovation should be strength- ened to enhance production efficiency and ecological service function. The index C1 of construction space is 36. 11% and the C2 is 82. 94%, and the construction land has being grown too fast and occupied a large amount of ecological space, threatening the ecological green heart function and pattern formation. Growth rate and spatial layout of construction space need to be adjusted and optimized. Research suggests that a three-layer security of the function space shoud be execu- ted, population and urbanrural land should be integrated, and moderate complex function space and regional coordination mechanism should be constructed, in order to promote the coordinated development of land use and territorial function.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1645-1655,共11页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助与特别资助项目(2011M500377 2012T50127) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40830741) 国家社会科学基金项目(09CJL045)
关键词 地域功能 土地利用 协调 暮云镇 territorial function land use coordination Muyun Town
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