
领导授权行为对员工沉默的影响:信任的调节作用分析 被引量:33

The Moderating Role of Trust in Management on the Relationship between Empowering Leadership Behaviors and Employee Silence
摘要 员工沉默是近年来组织行为学研究关注的新问题之一,本研究采取问卷调查的方法,选择某移动通信集团公司的40个团队、314对员工-上司配对作为研究对象,探究了领导授权行为、信任对员工沉默的影响作用,结果表明,领导的授权行为中展示关心对于员工沉默具有直接的负向预测作用;对管理者高度信任的员工能感受到更多的领导授权行为,且更少保持沉默;员工对管理者的信任会调节在信息共享、展示关心和员工沉默(自评)之间的关系,当员工对管理者具有高度信任的情况下,上司表现出的信息共享和展示关心会使得员工沉默程度明显降低;反之,当员工对管理者缺乏信任的情况下,上司表现出的信息共享和展示关心会对员工沉默没有影响甚至会使员工更加保持沉默。 Within organizations, people often have to make decisions about whether to speak up or remain silent. In this study, the data from 40 groups and 314 pairs of supervisor-employee are used to explore the influence of leadership empowerment behaviors on employee silence in China. The results are as follows: showing concern has significant negative direct effect on employee silence, regardless the level of trust in management. Compared to employees with lower level trust, employees with higher level trust in management can notice more leadership empowerment behaviors and are not more likely to remain silent. Besides the direct effect of showing concern, trust in management works as a moderator variable between empowering leadership behaviors and employee silence. Specifically, for employees with higher lever trust, they will keep less silent when they can share information with managers or the managers show concern for them; for employees with lower level trust, they will keep more silent when they can share information with managers or the managers show concern for them. On the basis of the research results, the paper provides some suggestions to encourage leadership empowerment and employee voice behavior.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期94-101,共8页 Management Review
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(2009JJD630006) 国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目的培育项目(90924007) 国家社会科学重点项目(10AGL003)
关键词 员工沉默 领导授权行为 信任 调节作用 employee silence, empowering leadership behaviors, trust, moderating effect
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