这可不是普通的图书馆。Anacosta Neighborhood图书馆及其“姐妹”Tenley Friendship图书馆的魅力是HLB Lighting Design和Daylighting&Sustainable studio共同努力的结果,它为华盛顿哥伦比亚特区公共国书馆区增添了—种令人兴奋的、诱人的新风格。
Those are not your rypical librariea. As a result of HLB Lighting Design multi-office and Daylighting & Sustainable Design studio collaborative effort. the Anacostla NeighborhOOd Library and its "sister" . Tenley-Frienbetlip bring a new style of exciting, inviting, end technolegicany advanced additions to the District of Columbia Public Library system, Here innovative electric and daylighting design have been fully integrated and actively managed to create "healthier" buildings which consume less energy, address maintenance issues, and allow for direct connection by the occupants to the exterior landscapes and natural cycles of light. Both libraries have Surpassed a programmatic commitment of LEED Silver and have been awarded LEED Gold certification by tbe USGBC. These vibrant civic spaces were clesigned to meet a wide range of community needs.
Professional Lighting Design