如果这个世界上存在一个你不得不以照明审美者的身份去欣赏的穹顶,迄今为止,这最有可哉是位于罗马的万神殿。巨大的门厅高达43m.萁直径长达43m。犬的门厅高达43m.其直径长达43m。整座建筑中最引人注目的元素是一个9m的圆窗。穹顶是阿划自建筑的—个显著特征。由让努维(Jean Nouve1)设计的阿布扎比新卢浮宫博物馆强调了这—特征。努维尔设计的穹顶并不只有一种解读,而是包含了一个现代的诠释一这种诠释是令人羞迷的,激动人心的以及创意无限的。
It there is one dome in the WOrld you have to have seen as a lighting aesthete, up to now this has most likely been the Pantheon in Rome The huge hall is 43 metres high and 43 metres in diameter. The most striking element in the entire building is the nine-metre oculus, Domes are a significant Louvre Museum designed by Jean Nouvel in Abu Dhabi underscores this. Nouvel' s dome does not have just the one oculus, however, but comprises a modern interpretation that is fascihating, inspiring and boundiessly creative,
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