
融合模型在小学数学认知诊断评价中的应用 被引量:1

An Application of the Fusion Model in Primary Mathematics Cognitive Diagnosis Assessment
摘要 本研究以小学数学中圆柱与圆锥这一章节为测验内容,通过融合模型的专门软件Arppegio 3.1进行分析,得到被试掌握模式、项目参数以及信效度指标。同时,为了检验题目的效度,对部分学生进行半结构化访谈,主要关注学生作答时的过程与策略,并与之前设定的Q矩阵中属性进行对比。结果显示:(1)本套测验中有些题目需要进一步修正;(2)融合模型在诊断应试者知识状态时,具有较高的判准率和信效度;(3)学生访谈可以为认知诊断研究提供有效的分析材料,为试题的修正提供可靠的依据。 This study used the specially software Arppegio 3.1 for Fusion Model to diagnose 6 grade students' mastery of cylinder and cone unit in primary mathematics, got the students' attribute - mastery patterns, item parameters, reliability and validity. Meanwhile, semi structured interview were taken on some students to examine the validity of the items, and compare the procedure and strategies of students during problem solving to the attributes in Q matrix. The results revealed that: ( 1 ) Several items in this test still have some problems and should be improved;(2) The Fusion Model has a high correct discrimination rate, reliability and validity when diagnosing examinees' knowledge state ; ( 3 ) Interview can provide effective materials for cognitive diagnosis, and offer support to the modification of the items.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2012年第5期423-428,共6页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 认知诊断 融合模型 小学数学 访谈 Cognitive Diagnosis Fusion Model Primary Mathematics Interview
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