
十年磨一剑:香港考试改革及教育测量理论与技术在其中的作用 被引量:6

Reform of the Education and Examination System in Hong Kong and the Theories and Techniques of Educational Assessment Applied in the Reform
摘要 香港新高中学制下兼有高考功能的香港中学文凭考试于2012年第一次举行。香港社会对学制与考试改革的争论随着考试结果的公布而有不同的解读。其中应用的教育测量和评价的一些理念和方法,可以为两岸三地都在进行的考试研究与实践提供有益的借鉴。本文首先介绍香港考试改革的一些背景;然后概述新高中文凭考试的总体设计及最主要的构成,并讨论教育测量理论与技术在其中的应用及发展;最后试图在香港考试改革的得失及其对内地教育考试改革的启示方面作初步的探讨。 The Hang Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) was first launched in 2012. The HKDSE serves both purposes of Education certification and University entrance examination. Different stakeholders of the HKDSE have different views on the HKDSE after the result of the HKDSE was released in late July 2012. As the reform of the education and examination system in Hang Kong involved the application of theories and methodologies of educational assessment and evaluation,the experience gained from the reform may be beneficial to the research and practice of educational assessment in China's Mainland and Taiwan Region. This article first introduces some background of the Examination reform in Hang Kong. Then the overall design and the main components of the new ex- amination system are briefly described. The theories and techniques used in the implementation of the new examination are presented in more details. The article is concluded with some discussions on the gains and limitations of the reform of the education and examination system in Hong Kong.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2012年第5期473-479,共7页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 香港中学文凭考试 水平参照成绩汇报 校本评核 RASCH模型 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examinations standard - referenced reporting school - based assessment Ra- sch model
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