将武汉社会发展能源消费量,建成区绿化覆盖率,交通干线噪声这三大压力指标进行数据统计,对数据进行无量纲化处理后,利用GM(1,1)灰色理论分别预测2003-2008年的3大压力指标值,采用层次分析法确定各项指标的综合绿度权重,再将综合绿度权重与对应的压力指标进行加权得到刻画武汉的绿色交通可持续发展和建设的综合绿度值.以实施"绿色交通"前后各个压力指标差值定量定义"绿色度"概念.结果表明:2003-2008年综合绿色度指标年平均综合绿色度值为0.345 2,说明2002年以后,武汉市实施绿色交通系统建设起到了一定的成效.
Three great pressure index were analyzed,namely the energy consumption,the built-up green coverage and the traffic noise in Wuhan.After the dimensionless processing,the GM(1,1) grey theory was used to separately predict the pressure index between 2003 and 2008.AHP was then used to determine the green degree weight of each index.Finally,those degree weights and the corresponding pressure index were weighted to get integrated green degree value so as to depict Wuhan's sustainable green traffic development,defining "green degree" by the pressure difference in the pressure index before and after the implementation of "green traffic".The results show that: the 2003-2008 average annual comprehensive green index comprehensive green degrees value is 0.3452,indicating the effectiveness of the green traffic system construction in Wuhan since 2002.
Journal of Hubei University of Technology