The Three Gorges Project (TGP) on the Yangtze River (YR) is the largest hydropower plant in the world. Possessing comprehensive benefits mainly for flood control, drought relief, power generation and navigation improvement, TGP would be a vital important and backbone project in harnessing and developing of the YR. It would promote the economy, society, resources and environment mutual coordination and sustainable development in the YR basin, accelerate the development of Chinese economy. The environment impact of TGP will be widespread and profound. The major favorable benefits will be produced on the middle and lower YR; such as effectively control the flood, fight the drought and provide huge quantity of clean energy. Whereas its main negative impact will be exerted on the upper reaches; such as large amount of farmland inundated and population relocated. We should give full play to its favorable benefits and take effective mitigation measures to its negative impact. Environmental protection is the basic policy of China. "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". The Chinese Government has issued "China's Agenda 21- White Paper on Chings Population, Environment and Development in the 21st Century". This is the guiding document designed to effectively balance the protection of environment and natural resources with sustainable development. TGP was commenced in Dec. 1993, the YR was diverted on Nov. 8 1997, the first hydro- generator unit had been put into operation in July 2003, and the whole project completed in 2009. TGPwould promote the exploitation of the West China and the sustainable development to the YR; make greatest contribution to green energy resources and economy development, beneficial to eco-environment protection and low carbon economy. TGP would be a sustainable development project.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences
Three Gorges Projiect
Yangtze River
eco-environment protection
sustainable development