近年来抽油杆使用过程中断裂事故时有发生,通过详细计算分析,认为抽油杆杆柱设计不当是造成事故的主要原因。使用Visual Basic6.0软件开发了抽油杆疲劳强度校核程序,程序同时采用API修正古德曼图和前苏联奥金格的疲劳强度公式进行计算。文中给出了主要计算公式及计算实例,并对两种计算方法的计算结果进行了分析。
In recent years, the sucker rods often break in use. Through detailed calculation and analysis, it is thought that the improper design of sucker rods is the main reason for the accident. The fatigue strength program for sucker rods checking was developed with Visual Basic6.0. API Goodman diagram and fatigue strength equation of Ao Jinge of the former Soviet Union are used in the program. The paper gives out the main formula and calculation examples and analysis of the calculating results of these two methods.
Computer Applications Of Petroleum