
物质主义价值观的内在心理机制探讨 被引量:27

An Exploration of Inner Psychological Mechanism for Materialism Values
摘要 物质主义通常指一种强调物质拥有、社会声望和外在形象重要性的个体价值观。从物质主义的形成原因上可以看到,追求物质主义价值观既是个体不安全感的表现,又是人们试图通过满足安全需要来应对焦虑的策略。物质主义者对外部目标的追求与基本心理需要的满足之间形成了一个不断循环的怪圈。这个循环体系维系了物质主义的生活方式,却也给人带来更低的胜任感\更低的自我评价\更大的不满意。本文主要探讨物质主义的心理成因及其内在作用机制,以此为基础提出未来的实证研究方向。通过对物质主义相关内容的梳理,也为指导大众树立正确的消费观念、开启健康的生活模式提供一些启发和引导。 Materialism generally refers to individual's values focusing on material possession, social rec- ognition and appealing appearance. Based on formative reasons of materialism, seeking for materialism values is not only the expression of individual insecurity, but also the strategy to satisfy safe need. There is a negative recycle between seeking for external goals and the satisfaction for basic psychological need among materialists. This recycle though maintains the materialistic life style, it actually leaves people with lower sense of compe- tency, self- appraisal, and satisfaction. In this paper, we mainly explore the inner psychological formation and mechanism for materialism values, and based on this suggests the future agenda of empirical research. The paper also aims to help the public establish a righteous conception of consumption and provides enlightenment and guidance to commencing a healthy life model through sorting materialistic contents.
作者 李原 李朝霞
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期15-21,共7页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(11BSH042)
关键词 物质主义 个体不安全感 自我决定理论 主观幸福感 Materialism individual insecurity self determination theory subjective well - being
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