
知识流出——连接外部环境与企业管理创新的桥梁 被引量:10

Knowledge outflow——the bridge connecting external environment and management innovation
摘要 从知识流动视角探讨组织创新问题日益受到学术界的关注,但知识流入尤其是知识流出如何影响企业管理创新的研究还非常缺乏。在理论研究的基础上,构建了知识流出、外部环境与企业管理创新之间关系的理论模型,并考察研发投入和地理集聚对模型的控制作用。通过对458家申报广东省高新技术企业和民营科技型企业的企业问卷调查数据进行实证检验,发现知识流出以完全中介作用影响外部环境和企业管理创新的关系,且这三变量之间的关系受制于研发投入的大小和地理集聚程度的高低,即高研发投入企业中的知识流出在外部环境与管理创新之间起不完全中介作用;高地理集聚企业中的外部环境对知识流出并不存在直接的正向影响,说明企业应善于发现适合自身发展的地理环境。研究结论对完善知识和创新管理理论具有一定的学术贡献。 The discussion of organizational innovation from the view of knowledge flow is increasingly concerned by academia. But re- searches about how knowledge inflow especially knowledge outflow influence enterprises' management innovation are extremely lacking. Based on the theoretical research, we build a theoretical model about the relationship among knowledge outflow, external environment and management innovation, and then examine the control function of R&D investment and geographic concentration to the model. Through taking the questionnaire survey data of 458 enterprises which apply for high - teeh and private - tech enterprises in Guangdong Province for empirical test, we find that knowledge outflow has a completely intermediary effect on the relationship between external en- vironment and management innovation, and the relationship among the three variables are constrained by the degree of R&D investment and geographic concentration. Namely, to enterprises which have a high - level R&D investment, knowledge outflow plays an incom- pletely intermediary role between external environment and management innovation. And to a high -level geographical contraction en- terprise, external environment doesn't have a direct influence on knowledge outflow. These results suggest enterprises should be good at finding a geographical environment which is suitable for their own developments. The research has some academic contributions on improving the theory of knowledge and innovation management.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期1698-1706,共9页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD098) 国家自然科学基金项目(70972108) 浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(LR12G02001)
关键词 外部环境 知识流出 管理创新 研发投入 地理集聚 external environment knowledge outflow management innovation R&D investment geographic concentration
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