规范和界定“贸易自由化”是探讨“贸易自由化”及其程度测量的一项基本工作。“贸易自由化”是一国根据本国条件逐步消除贸易壁垒 ,减弱政府对贸易活动的直接干预 ,逐步扩大对外开放 ,与国际惯例接轨的过程。对贸易自由度测量的理论也主要是围绕着贸易自由化的基本涵义而展开的 ,其指标体系由贸易开放度指标和政府干预度指标构成。对贸易自由化特征及其测量方法的探讨虽然不断深入 。
The standardization and definition of concept of 'trade liberalization' is the most basic for farther researching and measuring it. Trade liberalization means a process in which a country reduces the trade barriers in its trade system, reduces the direct government intervention in trade, opens to the outside world and compatible with international practice based on its own special conditions. The measurement of the trade liberalization consists of two indicators, one is the extent of opening, and the other is the extent of government intervening.