
Interpersonal Functions of Epistemic Modality in Academic English Writing

摘要 In semantics, epistemic modality expresses writers' commitment to their propositions. In pragmatics, epistemic modality performs interpersonal functions. To date, its politeness and negotiative functions have been studied, but its constructive function seems to have failed to attract researchers' attention. Put simply, epistemic modal variants can be used to construct social reality, including writers' identity, writer-reader relations and the corresponding discourse community in which writers and readers live. The purpose of this paper is to provide a more complete picture of the interpersonal functions of epistemic modality and to raise Chinese learners' awareness of the importance of using such words appropriately. 从语义上来说,认知型情态表达的是作者对命题的承诺程度,从语用上来说,认知型情态还具有人际功能。迄今为止,对其人际功能的解释主要包括两种:礼貌和对话协商功能。笔者将在此基础上提出建构功能,即不同的认知型情态用语建构不同的作者身份、作者-读者关系和言语社区。对认知型情态人际功能的全面认识有助于中国英语写作者更加得体地使用该类语汇,建构平等协商的话语方式和民主型学术言语社区。
作者 高秋萍
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2012年第3期352-364,382,共14页 中国应用语言学(英文)
关键词 epistemic modality politeness function negotiative function constructive function appropriate use 认知型情态 礼貌功能 多声协商功能 建构功能 得体性
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