
自拟通腑灌肠汤保留灌肠治疗脑出血急性期的疗效观察 被引量:5

Clinical Efficacy Observation of Tongfuguanchang Decoction by Retain Enema Treating on Cerebral Hemorrhage Acute Phase with Homemade
摘要 目的探讨自拟通腑灌肠汤保留灌肠治疗脑出血急性期的临床治疗效果。方法将患者随机均分为两组,均给予西医常规治疗,治疗组加用自拟通腑灌肠汤保留灌肠。比较两组患者临床治疗效果、治疗前后意识状态和血肿体积、以及患者治疗过程中并发症的发生情况。结果与对照组相比,治疗组患者基本痊愈率和总有效率明显提高,且无变化和恶化比率均明显下降,GCS评分明显升高,血肿量均明显下降,hs-CRP、NSE与BNP水平明显降低;与治疗前相比,两组患者意识状况评分明显升高,血肿量明显下降,hs-CRP、NSE与BNP水平均明显降低;同时,治疗组在治疗过程中肺部感染、高热、应激性溃疡以及癫痫等并发症的发生情况均明显下降。结论自拟通腑灌肠汤对脑出血急性期患者具有显著的治疗效果。 Objective: To observe effect of retain the enema treatment of cerebral hemorrhage acute phase with homemade Tongfuguanchang Decoction. Methods: Patients were randomly divided into two groups ,and both groups were treated with routine Western treatment ,while patients in treatment group were both retention enema intended homemade Tongfuguanchang Decoction. Clinical outcomes, state of consciousness ,complications rates during the treatment and hematoma volume changes before and after treatment of patients in two groups were compered. Results: Compared with control group ,patients in treatment group basic recovery rate and total effi- ciency improved significantly. And no change and deterioration ratio were significantly decreasedonly,and GCS score were increased significantly, and hematoma volume were decreased significantly,the level of hs-CRP,NSE and BNP were decreased significantly.Compared with before treatment, after treatment ,the GCS score increased significantly, and hematoma volume decreased significantly,the level of hs-CRP,NSE and BNP decreased signif- icantly. At the same time, the patient during treatment, lung infection ,fever, stress ulcer, epilepsy and other com- plications occurred significantly decreased. Conclusions: Homemade Tongfuguanchang Decoction has significant treatment effects for patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage.
出处 《中国中医急症》 2012年第11期1735-1737,共3页 Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 浙江省温州市医药卫生科学研究项目(2011B045)
关键词 脑出血急性期 自拟通腑灌肠汤 保留灌肠 Acute cerebral hemorrhage Homemade Tongfuguanchang Decoction Retain enema
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