目的:评价308 nm准分子激光治疗白癜风的疗效及其影响因素。方法:采用308 nm准分子激光系统治疗103例白癜风患者171处皮损,每周治疗1~2次,共12~50次,治疗结束后评价疗效。结果:皮损的总显效率为59.06%,有效率为83.04%。疗效影响因素分析显示不同部位、年龄、病程以及皮损大小对治疗效果有显著影响。结论:308 nm准分子激光治疗白癜风疗效高、副作用少。
Objective: To assess the efficacy and influencing factors of 308 nm excimer laser in the treatment of vitiligo. Methods: One hundred and seventy- one lesions of 103 patients with vitiligo were treated with 308 nm exelmer laser, one to two times per week for 12 - 50 times. Efficaeies were evaluated after the treatment completed. Results: The total efficacy and remarkable efficacy were 59.06% and 83.04%, respectively. The site of the lesion, age, duration of the disease and the lesion size were positively correlated to the therapeutic effects ( P 〈 0.01). Conclusion: 308 nm excimer laser is safe and effective in treating vitiligo.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases