
我国非户籍人口结核病登记状况地理分布分析 被引量:19

Analysis on geographical distribution of migrant tuberculosis patients in China
摘要 目的了解我国非户籍人口肺结核患者的空间分布特征和空间积聚性,为非户籍人口肺结核患者的防治提供更为科学的依据。方法利用中国疾病预防控制中心"中国疾病预防控制信息系统"中"结核病管理信息系统"获得2010年和2011年全国结核病报告登记的各地区户籍人口和非户籍人口肺结核患者数据(不包括台、港、澳的数据),2010年和2011年全国各省、自治区、直辖市非户籍人口活动性肺结核患者数分别为74 062例和73 635例,户籍人口活动性肺结核患者数分别为857 401例和831 708例,使用Excel软件和ArcGIS 9.3软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 (1)2010年和2011年登记的非户籍活动性肺结核患者占总登记患者数分别为7.95%(74 062/931 463)和8.13%(73 635/905 343)。(2)东部地区的非户籍人口肺结核患者登记数2010年和2011年分别占到非户籍患者总数的76.12%(56 379/74 062)和76.21%(56 117/73 635)。(3)西部地区的非户籍人口肺结核患者登记数,2011年较2010年新疆维吾尔自治区增加了1.29%[(1254/24 369-1029/26 708)×100%],西藏自治区增加了2.77%[(235/3598-128/3403)×100%],云南省增加了1.14%[(1396/24 421-1026/22 409)×100%]。(4)上海、浙江、广东、福建等地及其相邻地区均是非户籍肺结核登记较多的地区,在P<0.01情况下,2011年上海Z值为24.88;杭州Z值为9.27;广州Z值为69.94;深圳Z值为46.44;厦门Z值为7.44,而北京、重庆则是仅在当地登记数多,在P<0.01情况下,2011年北京Z值为-3.30;重庆Z值为-2.87。(5)非户籍人口肺结核登记数与当地人均GDP呈正相关关系,y=107 027x+23 371,r2=0.6287。结论非户籍人口肺结核患者大部分积聚在东部沿海地区,但近两年来西部地区的发病数也在逐年增高,需要同时重视西部地区的非户籍人口肺结核的防治工作。 Objective To describe the spatial distribution and concentration of migrant tuberculosis (TB) patients in China, in order to provide scientific evidence for TB control among migrant population. Methods The data of TB patients registered in National TB Information Management System (not including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao) in 2010 and 2011 was used. The numbers of active pulmonary TB cases were 74 062 and 73 635 respec tively among migrant population in 2010 and 2011, and 857 401 and 831 708 among permanent residents. Excel and ArcGIS 9.3 software were applied for analysis. Results (1) The notification rate of migrant TB patients in 2010 and 2011 were 7. 95%(74 062/931 463) and 8. 13%(73 635/905 343)respectively. (2) The proportions of migrant TB patients in eastern area were 76.12% (56 379/74 062) and 76.21%(56 117/73 635) in 2010 and 2011. (3) The number of migrant TB patients registered in western area increased 1.29 % ((1254/24 369—1029/26 708)× 100%) in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 2.77%((235/3598-128/3403))〈 100%) in Tibet and 1.14% ((1396/ 24 421--1026/22 409)× 100%) in Yunnan provinces. (4) The registration numbers of migrant TB patients were more in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fuiian and adjacent areas. In 2011 Z-score for Shanghai was 24.88, 9.27 for Hangzhou, 69.94 for Guangzhou, 46.44 for Shenzhen and 7.44 for Xiamen. While the registration number of Beijing and Chongqing was more just within the municipality, Z-scores were -3.30 and - 2.87 respectively in 2011. (5) There was a positive correlation between migrant TB patients' registration and GDP per capita, y=107 027χ+23 371, the square of related coefficient was 0. 6287. Conclusion Most of migrant TB patients accumulate in eastern coastal areas, while the incidence has been increasing year by year in western area in the recent two years. So it is very important to pay attention to TB control in western areas.
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2012年第11期712-720,共9页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
关键词 结核 预防和控制 登记 地理信息系统 Tuberculosis, pulmonary/prevention & control Registries Geographic information systems
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