

An Analysis of Debts for Townships and Villages——A Case Study of Lingxi Town in Wenzhou City
摘要 乡(镇)村债务问题严重,但目前并没有引起足够重视。文章以温州市灵溪镇为例,剖析了乡(镇)村债务现状。文章认为乡(镇)村债务成因于兴办公益事业、压力型行政体制、财政分配、体制和政策的障碍、管理混乱等五大因素并将对农村基层政权职能发挥、农村公益事业发展、农民减负、农村社会稳定等产生不良影响。文章认为化解乡(镇)村债务要按照"分级分类承担、责权利和借用还相统一"的原则进行,政策性债务应该由决策部门负责解决,公益性债务可以通过财政、乡村组织和村民三方共同化解,经营性债务可以按照谁组建、谁承担,结合企业改制等办法削减债务,金融性债务建议由有关各方务实协商,实行挂帐停息或减息,作风性债务由该责任人偿还。 The debt issue in townships and villages has not been noted adequately despite its seriousness, thus a case study is made in this paper of Lingxi Town, Wenzhou City so as to analyze the status quo of debts in town- ships and villages. As is opined, the causes for the debt issue lie in five such five factors as the implementation of public welfare undertakings, the pressure-type administrative system, the financial allocation, institutional and pol- icy obstacles, and management confusion, which will exert a negative impact on the functions of the rural grass- roots political power, the development of rural public welfare, the alleviation of farmers' burdens, and on the so- cial stability in rural areas, etc. As is held in the paper, the debt issue in townships and villages can be resolved according to the principle of "hierarchical and classified commitments and the interrelationship between obligations, rights, interests and borrowing, utilization and repayment" ,i. e. debts related to policies should be borne by deci- sion-making departments, and welfare debts are to be jointly resolved by financial sectors, rural organizations and villagers; while operational debts can be borne and reduced by the operators in combination with corporate restruc- turing. Moreover, it is suggested that financial debts be resolved through pragmatic negotiations among parties con- cerned through the cessation of unpaid debts or the reduction of interest rates ; whereas the debt related to work style should be repaid by the person responsible.
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第7期22-27,共6页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"‘三位一体’农协机制构建研究"﹙编号11AJY007﹚阶段性成果
关键词 乡(镇) 村债务 灵溪镇 温州市 debts in townships and villages Lingxi Town Wenzhou City
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