
预混胰岛素类似物的灵活应用与个体化治疗 被引量:2

Flexible application and individual therapy of premixed insulin analogue in clinical practice
摘要 双时相门冬胰岛素30(BIAsp30)较预混人胰岛素能够更好地模拟生理性胰岛素的分泌,起效快、峰值高,可有效控制空腹和餐后血糖,减少低血糖发生。2011年新版药品说明书的更新,明确了BIAsp30可用于10岁及以上的儿童青少年及老年糖尿病患者,并且可实现一针安全起始到三针强化治疗的灵活转换。BIAsp30由于兼顾了有效性、安全性及灵活性,利用"一种制剂、一种注射装置"实现了更广泛的临床应用。 Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30 (BIAsp30)can imitate the physiological insulin secretion better than conventional premixed human insulin. The soluble component of BIAsp30 is absorbed more rapidly and rises to a higher level of serum insulin, which can effectively lower fasting and postprandial glycemia, and reduce the hypoglycemia incidence. The update drug instruction in 2011 is able to clear that BIAsp30 can he used for pediatric and adolescent diabetics aged more than 10 years and elders. What is more important is that BIAsp30 can realize the flexible conversion from once-daily injection to of insulin intensification therapy trice-daily injection. As an effective and safe drug for diabetes with flexibility and convenience in usage, BIAsp30 realizes its more extensive clinical application by using only one kind of insulin and single injection device.
作者 母义明
出处 《中国糖尿病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期875-876,共2页 Chinese Journal of Diabetes
关键词 双时相门冬胰岛素30 糖尿病 儿童青少年 糖尿病老年 胰岛素强化治疗 Biphasic Insulin Aspart30 (BIAsp30 Pediatric and adolescent diabetes Elder diabetes Insulin therapy intensification
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