
美国早期教育弱势资助政策研究 被引量:3

Study of Financial Support Policies for Early Childhood Education to Vulnerable Groups in America
摘要 弱势儿童接受高质量的早期教育具有较高的个人和社会收益。同时,对弱势儿童早期教育进行补偿性资助是实现社会公平正义的起点。出于系统管理的考虑和为了避免资助政策在利益集团之争中流产,美国对弱势儿童早期教育的资助项目大都纳入国家战略规划和社会保障体系并以法律的强制形式确保其得以实施。其实施途径主要是资助家庭、幼托机构以及招募和培训教师。资助对象主要针对低收入家庭儿童、特殊儿童和少数民族儿童。 Early childhood education for the children from vulnerable groups has high individual and social benefit. It is also the foundation of social justice to provide financial support to them as a means of compensation. Most of American early childhood education financial support programs fit into national strategies and social security plans, and they are also guaranteed by relevant laws. Which on the one hand reflect the thoughts of systematic management, on the other hand, only the mandatory power of law can guarantee its implementation and avoid the intervention from advantage groups. Most of the funds directly go to low income families, early childhood education agencies as well as recruiting and training high quality teachers. And the main support targets are children from low income families, children with special needs and from minority groups.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期81-85,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 美国 早期教育 弱势群体 资助 补偿 America early childhood education vulnerable groups financial support compensation.,, _
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