
中国生产性服务业与制造业的空间关系 被引量:14

The Research on the Location Relationship between Manufacturing and Productive Services in China
摘要 基于Venables(1996)的理论模型,本文建立了由生产成本、贸易成本及消费支出决定的产业区位模型,并采用中国大陆274个地级以上城市2004~2010年的面板数据,对生产性服务业与制造业的空间关系进行了实证研究。研究表明,生产性服务业与制造业具有不同的空间分布动力机制,生产性服务业主要在区域性中心城市集聚,而制造业主要在沿海地区中心城市周边集聚,二者在城市内部的空间分布具有挤出效应。接近生产性服务业可以解释制造业的区位,但生产性服务业的区位并不以接近制造业为动机。制造业与生产性服务业贸易成本的降低,促进了各自的集聚。制造业贸易成本的降低增强了周边地区生产性服务业对制造业的吸引力,生产性服务业贸易成本的降低减弱了生产性服务业对周边地区制造业的排斥力,但是,贸易成本的降低并未打破反而增强了城市内部二者的挤出效应。物流业与制造业空间关系的突出特点是随着交通基础设施条件的改善,城市内部物流业与制造业的排斥力在减弱。 With the development of industry chain's vertical specialization and networking, vertical industry linkages between productive services and manufacturing become increasingly closer, and productive services pro- vides significant support for manufacturing's transformation and upgrading. There has been increasing attention to the relationship between productive services and manufacturing on industrial level. However, the research about their relationship on the spatial level is still weak. Thus, we mainly investigate the location relationship between productive services and manufacturing. We build up theoretical model at the spatial level based on their input-output vertical linkages. Based on the theoretical analysis, we propose the first hypothesis: there exists cooperative localization between productive serv- ices and manufacturing, and trade costs influence the localization relationship. Through observing the agglomeration of productive services and manufacturing across China's Mainland prefecture level cities from 2004 to 2010 respec- tively, we propose the second hypothesis: being close to productive services can explain manufacturing's location, but being close to manufacturing is not exactly the motivation of productive services' location. From the analysis of industrial adjustment in Yangtze Triangle Economic Zone, we propose the third hypothesis: there exists distinct crowding-out effect between productive services and manufacturing in single city. Then, we build up industry location model determined by production costs ,expenditure and trade costs and use panel data of China's Mainland 274 prefecture level cities from 2004 to 2010 to test the validity of the proposed hy- potheses. As for the model of manufacturing's location related with productive services, manufacturing's location is determined by wage, local productive services and peripheral regions' productive services availability, regional and overseas market potential, regional and export trade costs. To analyze trade costs' regulating effect towards the pro- ductive services' impact on manufacturing, we introduce the interaction term of manufacturing trade costs and pro- ductive services. As for the model of productive services' location related with manufacturing, productive services' location is determined by human capital, local manufacturing and peripheral regions' manufacturing availability, productive services' trade costs. Similarly, to analyze trade costs' regulating effect towards the manufacturing's im- pact on productive services, we introduce the interaction term of productive services trade costs and manufacturing. According to the test results, there exists apparent crowding-out effect between productive services and manufactur- ing in single city. Being close to productive services can explain manufacturing's location, but being close to manu- facturing is not exactly the motivation of productive services' location. The reduction of their trade costs can signifi- cantly promote their agglomeration respectively. What's more, the reduction of manufacturing's trade costs strength- ens attractive force of productive services in peripheral regions on manufacturing, and the reduction of productive services' trade costs weakens repulsive force of productive services in peripheral regions on manufacturing. Howev- er, the reduction of trade costs does not eliminate instead enforce the crowding-out effect between productive serv- ices and manufacturing in single city. Compared with other types of productive services, logistics has strong dependence on transportation infrastruc- ture, and therefore transportation infrastructure should be taken into consideration except for informatization with re- gard to trade cost. Thus, we analyze the location relationship between logistics and manufacturing designedly. The test results show that the location relationship between logistics and manufacturing adheres to the internal mecha- nism of the location relationship between productive services and manufacturing principally. However, the unique prominent characteristic is that the crowding-out effect between logistics and manufacturing is weakened with the improvement of transportation infrastructure. On the basis of the conclusion, we discuss the policy and measurement of promoting coordinate development and upgrade of industries.
作者 梁红艳 王健
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期19-29,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国物流业对制造业外溢效应的检验分析研究"(12BJY069)
关键词 空间关系 生产性服务业 物流业 制造业 贸易成本 location relationship producer services logistics manufacturing trade cost
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