
体外循环肺缺血再灌注损伤的实验研究 被引量:6

Experimental Study of the Ischemia reperfusion Injury of Lung During CPB
摘要 研究兔体外循环中肺的缺血再灌注损伤并探讨其可能机制。采用兔体外循环模型 ,测定肺组织的丙二醛 (MDA) ,髓过氧化物酶 (MPO) ,一氧化氮 (NO)含量、肺血管通透性 (EB值 )及肺组织湿干比 (W /D值 )。CPB组肺组织MDA含量 (139 4± 17.0 )mmol/ g明显高于对照组 (2 7.6± 1.8)mmol/ g ,P <0 .0 1;MPO含量 (9.4± 0 .6 )u/ g明显高于对照组 (1.9± 0 .7)u/ g ,P <0 .0 1;NO含量 (8.4± 3.8) μmol/ g明显低于对照组(2 0 .9± 1.7) μmol/ g ,P <0 .0 1;W /D值 (8.5± 2 .1)明显高于对照组 (4 .5± 0 .9)P <0 .0 1;EB值 (3.2 33±0 .0 7)明显高于对照组 (1.394± 0 .0 6 ) ,P <0 .0 1。动物实验提示CPB中肺的缺血再灌注是肺损伤的重要原因 。 Aim:To study the ischemia reperfusion injury of lung during CPB and its possible mechanism.Method:CPB models were set up with living rabbits.MDA,MPO,NO contents in lung tissue were determined.Ratio of wet lung tissue to dry one and the EB value were tested.The micro and ultra structure were observed.Results:MDA content of lung tissue in CPB(139.4±17.0 mmol/g) was significantly higher than that in control group (27.6 ±1.8), P <0.01;MPO content (9.4±0.6 u/g) was significantly higher than that of sham group (1.9± 0.7 u/g), P <0.01;No content (8.4±3.9 μmol/g) was lower than that in sham group (20.9±1.7 μmol/g), P <0.01;Ratio of wet/dry (8.5±2.1) was higher than that in sham group (4.5±0.9), P <0.05;EB value (3.233±0.07) was higher than that in sham group (1.394±0.06).Conclusion:There is ischmic reperfusion injury during CPB and NO plays an important role in the injury.
出处 《心肺血管病杂志》 CAS 2000年第2期132-134,共3页 Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases
关键词 体外循环 一氧化氮 肺缺血 再灌注损伤 实验研究 Lung injury Cardiopulmonary bypass Nitric oxide
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