

On Cusa's Thought of "Integration of the Opposites":Centered on Docta Ignorantia
摘要 对于"上帝的能力如何融贯在人的整个生存及万事万物的存在与运动之中"这一问题,库萨的认识有一个逐步深入的过程。他在早期的《论有知识的无知》中已初步提出"极大"和"对立面的相合"来表达上帝的这种能力,虽不如中、后期成熟,但已与以阿奎那为代表的类比性认识模式和艾克哈特为代表的神秘主义体验模式有效区分开来了,而这正是理解库萨所谓的"有知识的无知"的关键,也是把握其背后的根据——即"对立面相合"的思想——现代辩证法之区别的关键。 Nicolas Cusa's cognition about the problem how God's omnipotence impenetrates the whole existence of human being and the being and movements of everything on the earth, unfolds as a step by step in deep going process. In his early writing De Docta Ignorantia, he puts forward the thought of integration of the opposites to clarify the omnipo- tence of God. This thought, although not as comprehensive as the thoughts in his middle and late life, already distinguish- es itself from the scholastical knowledge-mode of analogia entis, Thomas of Aquinas as whose authority, and from the mystical experience-mode of ecstasies, Master Eckhart as its authority. Thus this thought is a key point to understand Cusa's so-called "docta ignorantia", and helps to recognize the distinctions between its ground, namely his thought of inte- gration of opposites, and the modem dialectics.
作者 李华
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期24-31,共8页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 库萨 极大 对立面的相合 有知识的无知 nicolas of cusa maximum integration of the opposites docta ignorantia
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