目的 对医源性的高位或难以复位的胆道损伤的处理进行探讨。方法 本组病例共 6例均为医源性胆道损伤 ,手术方法以整复为主 ,辅以Roux Y、T管或Y管引流支撑。结果 即时修复 3例 ,死亡 1例 ;延时修复 3例 ,死亡 2例。
Objective To study the management of iatrogenic and irretrievable injury of high bile duct.Methods 6 patients all suffered from iatrogenic injury of high bile duct.Main operative motheds were to reconstruct the injury bile duct,which is assisted by Roux Y,T or Y tube drainage. Results 3 cases were repaired in time,of ahich 1 died.3 cases were repaired later,of which 2 died.Conclusion The earlier repair is better than reconstruction operations after drainage.
Hebei Medical Journal