
无后台服务器的射频识别标签安全查询协议 被引量:1

Server-less Radio Frequency Identification Tag Secure Searching Protocols
摘要 在许多射频识别(RFID)应用中,经常需要在多个标签中确定某个特定标签是否存在。在这种环境下,标签查询协议必不可少。然而,已有的协议要么存在安全漏洞,要么查询效率低下。利用Hash函数和时间戳,提出一个无后台服务器的RFID标签查询协议。GNY逻辑被用于证明新协议的正确性。分析显示提出的协议可以高效的实现特定标签的查询,且能够抵抗一些主要攻击,实现对标签隐私的保护。 Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) tag search protocols are used in a situation where an reader finds a specific tag among multiple tags, which play important roles in many RFID applications. However, the existing protocols either have security weaknesses or exhibit poor efficiency. In this paper, a server-less RFID tag secure search protocol is proposed, which utilizes hash function and timestamp. GNY logic is used to prove its correctness. Analysis shows that presented protocol can be used to search a particular tag efficiently, and preserve tag's privacy against all major attacks.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期2582-2586,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 北京邮电大学青年科研创新计划专项(BUPT2011RC0212) 国家自然科学基金(60972077 61070204 61003285)资助课题
关键词 射频识别 查询协议 GNY逻辑 追踪攻击 Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Search protocol GNY logic Track attack
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