目的 :探讨脑血管病与睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (sleepapneasyndrome ,SAS)的关系。 方法 :随机抽取 2 0例确诊脑血管病患者查多导睡眠图、血粘滞度及经颅多普勒检查 (transcranialdoppler,TCD) ;2 0例确诊SAS患者做血粘滞度及TCD检查 ;对照组做多导睡眠图、血粘度检查及TCD检查。结果 :脑血管病组和SAS组呼吸暂停时间及呼吸紊乱指数 (respiratorydisturbanceindex ,RDI)明显高于对照组 ,而血氧饱和度明显低于对照组。脑血管病组及SAS组血粘度照比对照组明显增高。结论 :脑血管病与SAS密切相关 ,SAS是造成脑血管病的原因之一 ,而脑血管病又易并发SAS ,发现并治疗SAS对脑血管病的防治有重要意义。
Objective:To discuss the relation between cerebrovascular disease and sleep apnea syndrome (SAS).Methods:In one group,20 cases with cerebrovascular disease selected randomly were ordered to perform examinations,including polysomnography,Transcranial Doppler (TCD) and rheology of blood.In another group,20 cases with SAS performed TCD and rheology of blood.In the control group,10 cases performed TCD and rheology of blood.Results:In the cerebrovascular disease group and the SAS group,the apnea duration and respiratory disturbance index (RDI) was much higher than that in the control group,and hypoxemia was evident contrasted with the control group.Conclusions:There is an inseparable correlation between cerebrovascular disease and sleep apnea syndrome.SAS is one pathogeny of cerebrovascular disease,and SAS is often complicated with cerebrovascular disease.It has important significance to cognize and treat SAS for preventing and treating cerebrovascular disease.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry