目的:本文报告72例重症PDA或合并心内畸形者在深低温微流量下进行心内直视手 术的经验和体会。方法:我们采用深低温,中度血液稀释法,动脉导管外结扎、压迫或切开肺动脉堵塞 未闭动脉导管口,高流量快速降温。结果与结论:使鼻咽温降至 18~22℃,然后采用微流量灌注,直视 下缝闭未闭动脉导管口,复温同时完成心内其它畸形矫治术,取得了良好的效果。
Objective and Methods:Patients of PDA combined with pulmonary hypertension or intracardiac defect were operated under deep hypothermia and low flow-rate perfusion. There were 5 deaths in the early stage of this method. Results and Conclusions: It is justified to close the ductal orifice under direct vision in adult patients and in cases combined with pulmonary hypertension or other intracardiac defects with this method. The details of this method were discribed in this paper.
Hebei Medicine