
人员疏散计算与模拟方法对比 被引量:6

Calculation and simulation method analysis of safety evacuation
摘要 运用BuildingEXODUS和Pathfinder对有顶商业街建立了人员安全疏散模型,模拟有顶商业街人员安全疏散情况,得出人员安全疏散所需时间分别为1 128s和1 143s。对比人员疏散过程,两个软件模拟结果比较一致。采用了水力模型计算方法对人员安全疏散进行计算,计算得出人员安全疏散所需的时间为1 169s,比软件模拟更为保守。三组计算结果分别给出了各层人员的疏散时间,选取各组数据中最为保守的值作为该有顶商业步行街的性能化安全疏散依据。 Evacuation models of the commercial street was estah- lished to simulate the safety evacuation of the commercial street by BuildingEXODUS and Pathfinder, and the required evacua tion time were 1 128 s and 1 143 s respectively. And the evacu ation processes of two software simulation were also consistent. In order to compare with the software calculations, the hydrau lic model calculation method also used to calculate the required safety evacuation time, and the result was 1 169 s which was more conservative than the software simulation. Three method calculation results gave the evacuation time of each floor respec- tively. The each floor evacuation time of three methods were compared to select the most conservative result in the value of the data, which can offer the basis of performance based evacu ation for the commercial street with top.
作者 丰茂武
机构地区 徐州市消防支队
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第11期1150-1154,共5页 Fire Science and Technology
关键词 安全疏散 计算模型 模拟软件 商业步行街 性能化防火设计 safe evacuation calculation model simulation software commercial street performance-based fire safety design
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