真实头模型是进行脑电正问题和逆问题研究的基础,在进行基于真实头模型的相关计算时,需要对头模型的表面进行三角片离散化处理,显然头模型形态的差异必然会导致脑电分析结果的差异性,然而目前已知的脑功能成像软件均采用的是欧美人头模型数据进行分析;基于56个中国人的大脑MRI切片数据,采用改进的Marching Cubes算法,对头模型表面进行了三角片离散,构建了中国人的真实头模型,并从形态上直观地比较了中外头模型的差异,为下一步的脑功能数据分析提供了更准确的技术支持。
Realistic head model is the basis for the EEG forward problem and inverse problem.The morphological differences of the head model inevitably have some bias to EEG analysis because the surface of the head model needs triangles treatment when the related computation is processed.However,European and American head models are mostly used in the current EEG analysis software.In this paper,aiming to build the Chinese realistic head model,the improved Marching Cubes Algorithm was used to generate the surface triangles based on the 56 MRI scans,and the differences between Chinese and the westerners head models were visually compared,which showed the similar shape difference as previous studies.The constructed Chinese head model provides a more accurate technical support for further EEG related analysis in China.
Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition