针对城市河道底泥硫化物和有机污染严重的特点,以深圳某河道污染底泥为研究对象,考察原位投加氧化剂去除污染底泥黑臭的效果。结果表明,投加过氧化钙和硝酸钙均能有效去除污染底泥黑臭。其中,酸可挥发性硫化物(Acid Volatile Sulfide,AVS)的去除率均超过95%。投加氧化剂原位处理污染底泥有助于底泥颗粒的吸附凝聚,颗粒比表面积变小,可避免污染物质的附着和累积。两者联合投加对底泥总有机碳(Total Organic Compounds,TOC)降解效果更佳,投加45天后TOC去除率为18.0%,大于过氧化钙和硝酸钙单独投加时的8.1%和12.9%,同时底泥硝酸盐残留量也更高,除臭效果更持久,表明过氧化钙和硝酸钙联合原位投加可有效修复污染底泥。
Focusing on the serious problem of sulfide and organic pollution in urban river sediment and based on the case of a tidal river in Shenzhen, this research studied an in - situ technology for sediment remediation, and examined the performance of sediment mal - odor mitigation by dosing oxidants. In order to obtain the optimum oxidant dosing way to achieve contaminated sediment stabilization and detoxification, a series of experiments of dosing sole calcium peroxide, sole calcium nitrate, and combination of the two oxidants were carried out. The results showed both sole oxidant and combination of the two oxidants can remove AVS effectively. After 45 day of dosing with combined calcium peroxide and calcium nitrate, TOC removal rate was 18.0% which was apparently higher than 8.1% ( sole calcium peroxide) and 12. 9% ( sole calcium nitrate). Residual nitrate was higher than dosing sole calcium nitrate when combined oxidant, which could result in longer treatment time and better treatment performance.
Pearl River
contaminated sediment
In - situ treatment
bench - scale