
Ocean Mixing with Lead-Dependent Subgrid Scale Brine Rejection Parameterization in a Climate Model 被引量:1

Ocean Mixing with Lead-Dependent Subgrid Scale Brine Rejection Parameterization in a Climate Model
摘要 Sea ice thickness is highly spatially variable and can cause uneven ocean heat and salt flux on subgrid scales in climate models.Previous studies have demonstrated improvements in ocean mixing simulation using parameterization schemes that distribute brine rejection directly in the upper ocean mixed layer.In this study,idealized ocean model experiments were conducted to examine modeled ocean mixing errors as a function of the lead fraction in a climate model grid.When the lead is resolved by the grid,the added salt at the sea surface will sink to the base of the mixed layer and then spread horizontally.When averaged at a climate-model grid size,this vertical distribution of added salt is lead-fraction dependent.When the lead is unresolved,the model errors were systematic leading to greater surface salinity and deeper mixed-layer depth(MLD).An empirical function was developed to revise the added-salt-related parameter n from being fixed to lead-fraction dependent.Application of this new scheme in a climate model showed significant improvement in modeled wintertime salinity and MLD as compared to series of CTD data sets in 1997/1998 and 2006/2007.The results showed the most evident improvement in modeled MLD in the Arctic Basin,similar to that using a fixed n=5,as recommended by the previous Arctic regional model study,in which the parameter n obtained is close to 5 due to the small lead fraction in the Arctic Basin in winter. Sea ice thickness is highly spatially variable and can cause uneven ocean heat and salt flux on subgrid scales in climate models. Previous studies have demonstrated improvements in ocean mixing simulation using parameterization schemes that distrib- ute brine rejection directly in the upper ocean mixed layer. In this study, idealized ocean model experiments were conducted to ex- amine modeled ocean mixing errors as a function of the lead fraction in a climate model grid. When the lead is resolved by the grid, the added salt at the sea surface will sink to the base of the mixed layer and then spread horizontally. When averaged at a cli- mate-model grid size, this vertical distribution of added salt is lead-fraction dependent. When the lead is unresolved, the model errors were systematic leading to greater surface salinity and deeper mixed-layer depth (MLD). An empirical function was developed to revise the added-salt-related parameter n from being fixed to lead-fraction dependent. Application of this new scheme in a climate model showed significant improvement in modeled wintertime salinity and MLD as compared to series of CTD data sets in 1997/1998 and 2006/2007. The results showed the most evident improvement in modeled MLD in the Arctic Basin, similar to that using a fixed n=5, as recommended by the previous Arctic regional model study, in which the parameter n obtained is close to 5 due to the small lead fraction in the Arctic Basin in winter.
出处 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期473-480,共8页 中国海洋大学学报(英文版)
基金 funded by the University of Alaska Fairbanks the International Arctic Research Center under NSF Climate Process Team (CPT) projects ARC-0968676 and ARC-0652838 funded through grants to the International Arctic Research Center University of Alaska Fairbanks from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) as part of JAMSTEC and IARC Collaboration Studies(JICS)
关键词 气候模型 海洋模型 参数化方案 混合仿真 盐水 次网格尺度 混合层深度 climate model sea ice brine rejection ocean mixing parameterization
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