
50W600正常晶粒长大过程中再结晶织构演化研究 被引量:1

Study on Texture Evolution of 50W600 Non-oriented Silicon Steel During Grain Growth
摘要 运用EBSD技术研究了50W600无取向硅钢再结晶晶粒正常长大过程中织构的演化机理。结果表明:再结晶晶粒长大过程中织构演化源于不同织构组分长大速率不同;晶粒尺寸不是唯一决定某取向晶粒长大的因素;晶粒与其周围其它晶粒取向差角分布是影响该晶粒长大的重要参数;{111}<112>与{111}<110>取向晶粒长大过程中的相互竞争导致{111}面织构取向锋锐度交替变化;950℃退火时,随退火时间延长,{100}<120>织构、{100}<310>织构减弱,{110}<001>增强;恒定退火时间3.5 min,随退火温度升高,{110}<001>、{100}<120>、{100}<310>织构均增强;温度对不同取向晶粒取向差角分布有较大影响。 The mechanism of recrystallized texture evolution of non-oriented silicon steel during grain growth has been studied by using EBSD technology. The results show that texture evolution during recrystallized grain growth originates from different growth rates of texture components ; grain size is not the only determinant for the grain growth, and the misorientation angle distribution of the grain and other surrounding grains has obvious influence on its growth. Thanks to grain competition between { 111 } 〈 112 〉 and { 111 } 〈 110 〉, sharpness of { 111 } texture' s orientation changes alternately. As the annealing time increases at 950 ℃, the { 100} 〈120 〉 texture and { 100} 〈310 〉 texture are weakened while {110} 〈001 〉 is enhanced; As the annealing temperature increases with a constant annealing time for 3.5min, allofthe {110} 〈001 〉, {100} 〈120〉 and { 100} 〈310 〉 textures are enhanced. Temperature has a great impact on misorientation angle distribution of grains with different orientations.
出处 《钢铁钒钛》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期89-95,共7页 Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium
基金 国家自然科学基金和宝山钢铁股份有限公司联合资助项目(50934009)
关键词 无取向硅钢 再结晶织构演化 取向差角 晶粒正常长大 non-oriented silicon steel recrystallized texture evolution misorientation angle grain growth
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