
基于行为的垃圾邮件检测技术 被引量:5

Behavior-based Junk Mail Detection
摘要 电子邮件作为一种重要的信息交互手段,引发了诸如垃圾邮件、恶意邮件、隐私泄露等一系列严重的问题。垃圾邮件检测是近年来出现的一个研究领域,其目的在于判定一封邮件是否为垃圾邮件。提出了一种基于邮件行为的垃圾邮件检测技术BJMD,介绍了邮件行为检测的主要思想和算法过程。通过在实际邮件集上的实验和分析,给出了新方法的一些性能评判。 As an important information exchange tool,emails contribute to serious problems such as spam-mails,malicious mails and private information leaks.Junk mail detection is a recently emerging filed,which aims to provide a efficient monitoring means on deciding whether a mail is a junk mail.We provided a behavior-based method of junk mail detection.We showed the behavior models used in our method and gave a introduction of the algorithm processes.We implemented our method on a real mail set and gave some comparisons with content-based junk mail detection to get some experiences in mining mail information.
作者 秦逸
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期86-89,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 垃圾邮件 行为模型 邮件检测 数据挖掘 电子邮件 Junk mail Behavior model Mail detection Data mining Email
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