According to the physicomechanical properties, uranium leaching tests and induced fission tracks of uranium for altered wall rocks of granite-type and volcanic-type hydrothermal uranium deposits in South China, this paper discusses the important role of hydrothermal alteration in the process of uranium metallogenic enrichment. 1. Hydrothermal alteration can cause the compressive strength of the rocks to decrease and the effective porosity of the rocks increase, therefore providing the channels and space for migration and deposition of ore-bearing fluids. 2. The pre-ore areal alteration may change the manner of occurrence of uranium in the ore-bearing rocks and thus increase the leachability of uranium, thereby supplying ore-forming fluids with a part of uranium. 3. The decrease of Eh in altered country rocks, such as pyritosericitized and chloritized rocks, may provide a favourable geochemical environment for uranium precipitation and enrichment. 4. Some altered minerals, such as hydromica, leucoxene and iron oxides, have high?adsorbability of uranium and become the collector of uranium.
Geological Review