薄板球面体成形一直是板料成形工艺中的难点 ,本文对薄壁球壳的制造提出了一种整体高能成形的新技术。通过应用这项无模爆炸成形技术 ,成功地制造出薄壁球壳 ,并通过大量工程实践验证了整体结构设计原则和炸药量理论计量公式 ,揭示了这一新技术在工业球罐制造中的的广阔应用前景。
Forming of thin wall spherical parts is always a difficult point of sheet metal working technology.This paper presentsa new method for the large extra thin wall spherical parts forming technology. Non die explosive forming method has successfully solved the forming of thin wall and extra thin wall spherical parts. Through various engineering practical implementations, the design principles of the shell structures and calculation formula of charge size have been verified, thus uncovering the broad perspectives of this new method.
New Technology & New Process