
19、20世纪美国文学作品中印第安形象的模式 被引量:1

A Post-colonialist Interpretation of the Stereotypical Indian Images in American Literary Works of the 19th and 20th Centuries
摘要 美国作家詹姆斯.费尼莫尔.库柏、杰克.伦敦和威廉.福克纳在各自的作品中塑造了众多的印第安人形象。他们按照殖民者的标准被塑造成想像中的土著形象,他们是野蛮、愚昧和落后的象征,无法逃脱灭亡的悲剧命运。后殖民主义视角下的印第安人已经成为了模式化的形象。 American novelists James Fenimore Cooper, Jack London and William Faulkner have portrayed many Indian images in their respective works. All the Indians are classified into the imaged aboriginal images according to the standards of the colonialists, become the symbol of cruelty, ignorance and backwardness and can't avoid the tragic fate of inexorable extinction. Proceeding from the perspective of post-colonialist, the Indians have become the stereotypical images. The literary works of the white constitute part and parcel of the process of the cultural extinction of the Indians caused by the white colonialist and the process of silencing and marginalizing the cultural identity of the Indians.
作者 张艳
出处 《韶关学院学报》 2012年第9期45-49,共5页 Journal of Shaoguan University
基金 安徽省2009年高等学校省级优秀青年人才基金重点项目"后殖民批评视角解读美国文学中印第安形象的模式"(2009SQRS12521D)
关键词 后殖民主义 印第安形象 殖民主义话语 美国文学作品 postcolonialism Indian images colonialist discourse American literary works
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