
一种云存储资源调度算法研究 被引量:2

An Algorithm of Resources Scheduling in Cloud Storage
摘要 云存储环境下的资源主要由磁盘资源构成,云存储资源通过虚拟化技术为公有云及私有云用户提供读、写数据服务.为了改善云存储环境下存储资源的利用率,对存储资源的调度至关重要.提出一种基于分类挖掘的存储资源调度模型及算法,基于历史调度信息对用户访问磁盘的读写次数进行分类挖掘,产生相应的分类规则,以此作为存储资源调度的依据.实验证明,此算法能有效减少磁盘碎片、改善磁盘的利用率. The main resources in Cloud Computing environment are disk resources. Cloud storage resources provide read and write service for every public or private Cloud user through virtualization technology. It is very important for storage resources scheduling in order to improve the resources utilization in Cloud Computing. A storage resource scheduling model and algorithm is put forward in this paper based on classification mining: firstly, collect all history information of accessing disk resources; secondly, mine the read/write times of each request job and get the classification rules of users and disks; finally, schedule new requests based on these classification rules. Experiments show that the algorithm can reduce fragments, improve the utilization of disk resources.
作者 刘林东
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2012年第5期69-73,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61162008)
关键词 云存储 资源调度 分类挖掘 虚拟化 Cloud storage resources scheduling classification mining virtualization
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