
纽约州政府促进高校和企业合作的路径与启示 被引量:2

On the Path and Implications of New York State Government's Promoting Cooperation Between Universities and Enterprises
摘要 纽约州的校企合作有较好的传统,但也存在着一些问题。纽约州政府通过成立"专门小组委员会"、设立"创新咨询委员会"、建立相关的研究机构、招聘优秀人才、优先考虑校企合作项目的申请、重点建设一些领域和学科、收集和出版相关信息等举措,促进了纽约州的校企合作。高校和企业的合作是高等教育为大都市经济社会发展服务的一个重要方面,纽约州政府的这些举措,能给我国大城市提供一些启示。 New York State has a good tradition of cooperation between universities and enterprises, but there are some problems. The government of New York State successfully promoted school-enterprise co-operation through setting up "task committee" and "innovation advisory committees"; establishing rele-vant research institutions, recruiting outstanding talents, giving priority to project application about coop-eration between universities and enterprises, constructing some key areas and disciplines, and collecting and publishing relevant information. The cooperation between universities and enterprises is one of the im-portant aspects for higher education to serve the metropolis" economic and social development. New York State's initiatives could provide some references and inspirations for our cities.
作者 孔令帅
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期97-101,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年科研专项基金"国际化大都市经济转型中大学与城市互动研究--以纽约和伦敦为例"(ssd10003) 上海市教委科研创新项目"国际化大都市纽约教育均衡发展研究及其对上海的启示"(11YS103) 教育部人文社科青年项目"国际组织教师教育政策研究"(11YJC880044)
关键词 纽约州 高校和企业 校企合作 政府作用 New York state universities and enterprises school-enterprise cooperation the roleof government
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