

Performance Analysis of MIMO Relay Systems over Nakagami-m Fading
摘要 研究固定增益放大转发协议,信源和终端需要配置多根天线,而中继只有单根天线的两跳中继转发系统。为获得空间分集,信源利用正交空时分组编码的发射策略,终端利用选择合并方式,简化中继配置的复杂度,采用固定增益放大转发的协议。导出Nakagami-m衰落下系统终端概率的封闭表达式与平均误比特率的封闭表达式,通过蒙特卡罗仿真和数值结果比较,验证了封闭表达式的精确性。 This paper researches that the source and destination are equipped with multiple antennas, the relay only has a two-hop relay system with a single antenna. Quasi-orthogonal Space-Time Block Code(OSTBC) and MRC are employed at source, and destination, respectively, to achieve spatial diversity. To reduce the implementation complexity of the relay, the fixed-gain amplify-to-folward relay protocol is used. New exact expressions for outage probability and average bit error rate are derived in Nakagami-m fading environments. Numerical comparison results between Monte Carlo simulations show the accuracy of the theoretical expressions.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第21期86-88,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(1045100900100407)
关键词 多输入多输出技术 固定增益放大转发 分集技术 无线中继系统 正交空时分组编码 Nakagami—m衰落 multiple-input multiple-output technique fixed-gain amplify-to-forward diversity technique wireless relay systems Quasi-orthogonal Space-Time Block Code(OSTBC) Nakagami-m fading
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