目的:调查宁夏高校教师心理健康状况及其相关因素,为高校教师队伍建设,高校师生心理问题的预防及干预提供理论依据。方法:对宁夏10所高校1 461名教师进行精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)及自制人口学问卷测查,测查结果运用SPSS11.5统计软件进行处理。结果:高校教师症状量表SCL-90总检出率为31.21%,相当重及严重症状者123人,占被调查人数的8.42%;高校教师的心理健康水平低于全国常模;男性教师躯体化、强迫、焦虑因子与女性教师比较存在差异,人际关系、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性因子比较存在显著性差异;不同民族教师各因子分比较回族高于汉族,均存在差异。结论:宁夏高校教师心理健康状况低于一般人群,心理健康教育工作需要加强重视。
Objective: To provide theory basis for preventing and treating psychological problems and organization structure of college teachers in Ningxia. Methods:Do SCL-90 and Sell-Made questionnaire with teachers selected from 10 colleges in Ningxia province and verify datas by using statistical software SPSSll. 5. Results: Detection rate of SCL-90 is 31.21%, 123 people among respondents has serious problems, take up 8. 42% of sum. The level of college teachers mental health is lower than national norm. There is a correlation of somatization,obsession and anxiety between male teachers and female teachers. Interpersonal relation, hostility, fear, paranoia personality, and psychopathic factors are Significant different. Scores of every factors show that the Hui nationality is higher than the Han nationality,which means more correlative. Con- clusion: Mental health condition of college teachers in Ningxia is lower than national norm and psychological health needs to be strengthen.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College