The positioning of contract protection obligations in private law is one of the topics which should be handled in staggered field between contract law and tort law, and the pur- pose is to coordinate the two domains of private law to acquire substantively appropriate conse- quence. That contract protection obligations should be classified as duty in tort law couldn' t be de- duced from the abstract function of contract law and tort law. The contract protection obligations in contract law could only be fully understood in the context of concrete empirical study. Contract Law defines contract protection obligations as contractual obligations before Tort Liability Law, it must be admitted that contract protection obligations are contractual obligations as well as duties in tort law. From the practical perspective, as the taken shape in our legal system, and the co opposite nstitutio contract and tort liability are different, so we need of broad contract law and broad tort law has n and assumption of liability for breaching the to interpret the private effect of protective rules properly, to classify the corresponding contract protection obligations as contractual obligations or duties in tort law, and to avoid the different legal results on account of occasional classification The task for the le tection obligations gis in lation and theoretical research is not to bring the various kinds of contract pro- to a uniform legal framework, but to coordinate the results from contract law and tort law as much as possible within the limitation of legal values
Global Law Review