

On the Nongovernmental Path to Promoting Popularization of Marxism in Contemporary China——From the Perspective of Civil Society Development
摘要 大众存在形态是当代中国马克思主义大众化路径选择的主体依据。在计划经济体制下,社会组织以行政化的单位为基础,单位大众是大众的主体存在形态,以此为基础的马克思主义大众化可以采取自上而下的"精英化大众"路径来实现。当代中国社会结构的深刻转型重构了大众的存在形态,统一于中国共产党和国家体系内的单位大众发生了分化,市场经济体制的建立形成了以经济利益为目标的市场大众;公民社会的发展形成了以促进个人发展、实现互助为追求的民间大众。单位大众、市场大众和民间大众构成了当代中国大众存在的立体结构。由此,推动当代中国马克思主义大众化需要突破自上而下的传统路径,构建以民间大众形态为基础的"大众化大众"的民间路径,形成自上而下路径与自下而上路径的协同作用机制。 The existing form of the masses is the main basis for path selection of popularization of Marxism in contemporary China. Under the planned economy system, social organizations were administration-based with people belonging to a work unit. Belonging to a work unit was the main existing form of the masses then. So, popularization of Marxism adopted a top-down approach of the so-called "elitist masses". When the profound social transformation of contemporary China re- constructed the existing form of the masses, the people who used to be unified under the leader- ship of the Communist Party of China and within the national administration system were divided to different groups. The market economy leads to economic interests-oriented masses of the mar- ket. Development of individuals as promoted by development of the civil society leads to the rise of folk masses Who seek for mutual help and support. Thus, the masses with a work unit, the mas- ses of the market and the masses of the folks compose a three-dimensional structure of existing form of the Chinese people. Therefore, promotion of popularization of Marxism in contemporary China requires a breakthrough of the traditional top-down approach in order to establish a nongov- ernmental path that is based on the existing form of the masses, a coordination mechanism that combines the top-down path and the bottom-up path to popularization of Marxism.
作者 陈媛 刘鑫淼
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期15-21,共7页 Teaching and Research
基金 国家社科基金"依托社区文化社团推动当代中国马克思主义大众化研究"(项目号:11BKS028) 广西马克思主义理论研究与建设工程基地委托课题"依托民间文化社团推动当代马克思主义大众化研究"(项目号:09M00014)的阶段性成果
关键词 马克思主义大众化 民间路径 公民社会 popularization of Marxism nongovernmental path civil society
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