The Bengal bain lies in the northeast of the India plate,where the India, Eurasia plate and the Burma micro plate converge. It abuts the Indo -Burma orogen in the east,the India continent shield to the west, facing the Himalayas foredeep across the Shilong plateau in the north, and extending southward to the Bengal bay in the south. Both the western and northern Bengal basin developed on the Indian ancient land, while the other majority of it is on the Cretaceous oceanic ernst,belonging to a remnant oceanic basin. This paper studies its regional tectonic evolution and characterizes the cross ections to illuminate the forming processes of the Bengal basin. It is suggested that this basin has undergone four stages : the pre rift - synrift, continental drift, soft collision and hard collision. According to the tectonic evolution and the current tectono - sedimentary characteristics, the Bengal basin is divided into six secondary tectonic elements : (1) west shelf, lying on the northeast margin of the India continent shelf; (2) shelf slope,located in the transition zone of the eastern India continent shelf to the deep Bengal basin; (3) north depression,located in the north part of the Bengal basin, also known as "Surma sub basin" ; (4) south depression, south part of the basin, totally lying on the oceanic crust ; (5) central uplift, an east - west - trending low uplift zone, separating the north depression from the south one; and (6) east Fold belt,the east part of the basin,a nearly north - south strike fold zone,adjacent to the India - Burma orogen in the east. Studies of the evolution processes show that the remnant oceanic part of the Bengal basin came into being in the Paleocene, and began to shrink from Eocene. In Pliocene,the eastern part of the remnant ocean basin vanished because of the plate convergence,and the remnant ocean was confined to the southern basin. The remnant oceanic part of the Bengal basin exerts a key control on the distribntion and migration of the deposition center as well as the hydrocarbon distribntion.
Geology and Exploration
Bengal basin, remnant oceanic basin, forming process, tectonic element