
喹硫平联合丙戊酸钠缓释片治疗躁狂发作的疗效观察 被引量:2

Clinical comparing study of quetiapine and sustained-release sodium valproate in the treatment of patients with manic episode
摘要 目的探讨喹硫平合并丙戊酸钠缓释片治疗躁狂发作的疗效和安全性。方法将符合CCMD-3躁狂发作或躁狂相诊断标准的66例研究对象随机分成两组,研究组应用喹硫平合并丙戊酸钠缓释片,对照组单一使用丙戊酸钠缓释片,治疗观察8周。采用Beck-Rafaelsen躁狂量表(BRMS)评定疗效,以副反应量表(TESS)及实验室相关辅助检查评价安全性。结果研究组在治疗第1周末减分率比对照组显著,这种差异在1~8周一直存在,且第8周结束后临床痊愈率也显著高于对照组,研究组痊愈率为46.9%,对照组为38.4%,两组无严重不良反应。结论喹硫平合并丙戊酸钠缓释片治疗躁狂发作的疗效比较理想,比单一使用丙戊酸钠缓释片好。 Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of quetiapine combining sustained-release sodium valproate in the treatment of patients with manic episode. Methods The 66 patients meeting criteria of manic episode or schizoaffective disorder in CCMD-3 were randomly divided into studying group (combination of quetiapine and sustained-release sodium valproate) and control group (single using of sustained-release sodium valproate) and observed for 8 weeks. The Beck-Rafaelsen Manic Scale (BRMS) and TESS were individually sued for assessment of efficacy and safety. Results The decreasing rate of BRMS at first weekend of studying group was significantly higher than that of control group, and this difference sustain for 8 weeks. The full remission rate at 8th week of studying group was significantly higher than that of control group, the full remission rate of studying group was 46.9%, the control group was 38.4%. Both groups had not serious side effects. Conclusion The effects of quetiapine combined with sustained-release sodium valproate in the treatment of manic episode is better than that of single sustained-release sodium valproate.
出处 《中国当代医药》 2012年第26期72-73,共2页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 喹硫平 心境稳定剂 躁狂发作 疗效观察 Quetiapine Mood stabilizers Manic episode Effcacy observation
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