
东北亚文明的创造性起源与发展性保存——以中国和韩国的宗教思想和礼仪为中心(下) 被引量:2

On the Creative Origin and Developmental Preservation of the Culture of Northeast Asia Civilization—with the emphasis on religious thoughts and rituals of China and Korea(part Ⅱ)
摘要 中国将自身的固有思想和印度思想融合后,产生了禅宗和新儒学两种创造性的宗教思想。韩国狂热地接受了这两种思想。有趣的是,如今这两种思想在中国人的日常生活中已经难觅踪迹,而在韩国人的日常生活中却能够轻易找到。可以说,在理论和实践方面依然保存着这两种思想的国家大概在全世界也只有韩国了。例如,现在韩国的僧侣还在沿用中国唐朝时僧侣背诵的礼法文,普通韩国人举行婚礼、葬礼和祭祀时依然遵循中国的朱子家礼。 It is commonly accepted that Chinese people established their creative thoughts such as Neo-Confucianism and Zen Buddhism which were the mixed products of Indian and Chinese rehgious traditions. Korea imported these thoughts from China with fever. What is interesting at this moment is that only Korean people preserve and practice these traditions in their daily lives. It is not easy to find the traces of these two thoughts in everyday lives of Chinese people in these days. In Korea, Buddhist monks are still practicing Buddhist ritual system of Tang Dynasty which were obviously extinct in China's Mainland. Also, it is only Koreans who are still following Zhuxi's way of everyday rituals such as wedding ceremony, funeral service and ancestral worship rite. It is extremely hard to find such styles of religious rites in China these day. It is the purpose of this article to view China and Korea which are the creative inventor and progressive preserver of these two traditions respectively.
作者 崔俊植
出处 《当代韩国》 2012年第3期60-72,共13页 Contemporary Korea
关键词 思想禅宗新儒学 宗教思想 China, Korea, Religious Thought, Zen Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism,Buddhist Ritual, Confucian Ritual, Royal Ancestral Ritual
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