采用条件价值评估法(CVM),在广州番禺生活垃圾焚烧设施四个选址周围发放调查问卷1 517份,对垃圾焚烧设施周围居民接受设施选址的受偿意愿进行研究。结果表明:垃圾焚烧设施的选址受到公众的普遍关注,居民倾向于拒绝获得经济补偿接受设施选址,选址周围居民的个人年均受偿意愿为5 057.76元,并受居民收入水平、年龄等因素明显影响。可见,垃圾焚烧设施强烈的"邻避效应"非单纯经济补偿政策可以解决,应首先利用科学、规范选址、建设与运营,尽可能降低垃圾焚烧环境风险,构建开放型的公众参与城市固体废物处理处置决策机制与公众环保知识宣传机制等,保证公众对垃圾焚烧信息获取、决策参与和全过程监督,在此基础上,构建体现垃圾运输成本的阶梯式收费机制配合多形式的焚烧设施周围居民生态补偿机制,方能扭转垃圾焚烧设施"邻避效应"为"迎臂效应"。
In this paper, 1 517 questionnaires were distributed in four locations of Panyu district waste incineration facility and residents' wiliness to accept (WTA) was study using CVM method. The results show that the location of waste incineration facility receives attention from the public. Residents tend to refuse win economic compensation to accept facility location, and average annual personal willingness to accept is 5 057.76 Yuan. Residents' income level and age and so on have a significant impact on the WTA. The findings show that ecological compensation alone can't relieve NIMBY emotion. Scientific, standardized location, construction and operation should be used to reduce waste incineration environmental risk, open public urban waste disposal decision making mechanism and public environmental protection knowledge publicity mechanism should be built to ensure public information acquisition, decision-making participation and whole-process supervision. Then, on this basis, garbage charge reflecting transport cost with ecological compensation can turn NIMBY to acceptation.
Ecological Economy